How To Become A Fitness Trainer? 8 Steps That Follow

Publish date: 2024-08-30

Become a fitness trainer can be an excellent career choice if you like training and supporting others to accomplish their goals. As a fitness trainer, you might have probably already given unofficial fitness training sessions over the years. Still, there are more measures to take as a certified fitness trainer, get a job, or start your independent business. Discover how to become a fitness trainer to determine if it is the best profession for you.

With a growing concern about having healthier lifestyles that give more crucial information about obesity and other chronic disease epidemics, many people are being inclined towards health and fitness professions. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, between 2018 and 2028, employment in the field is assumed to grow by 13%.

Pros of Becoming a Fitness Trainer:

Some people might consider fitness training looks like a challenging profession, where you help people in a field you love, it is adaptable, and you have many options for where you can work. There are some outstanding things about fitness training; here are some listed below.

Characteristics of a Good Fitness Trainer:

Fitness trainers require an abundance of abilities—just some of the qualities that will encourage you to work like a professional.

To be an efficient fitness trainer, you should appreciate working with different sorts of people, a good listener, and be self-motivated.

You do not need to appear like a bodybuilder as a fitness trainer, but you should maintain a wholesome lifestyle to become a great role model for your clients.

All of those are important, but it is also essential to know what it is like to instruct clients day in and day out. You can discover more about it when you get a professional certificate, but the experience is always the greatest teacher. Training may look like a soothing wind, but it is more challenging than you may understand.

You will serve those clients,

Each person is unique, and you need to discover how hard you can motivate that client, what that client requires, and what they need. You also have to be very adaptable and be unhesitant to change the tactics if a workout is not going accordingly.

Steps of becoming a Fitness trainer:

The following are the 8 eight steps you can take which will guide you to become a good certified personal trainer.

1. Do Your Research

Once you have selected to become a fitness trainer is the best decision for you, the first step you take will be searching for the best certification program. Consider a certification from the renowned organization which provides the standard in health and fitness training. After determining the best certification program for you, it is time to collect your study materials. There are many trainer studies programs are created to cover all learning styles by giving content through easy text, graphics, charts, videos, practice tests, online activities, and on-demand study to reinforce the material. This learning practice is self-paced, usually take 80-100 hours over 3-4 months.

2. Get a Certificate as a Personal Trainer

If you have completed your search for fitness training, your next step will be to get certified. It is very crucial to decide from where to get your certification done.

Certifying organizations have their different procedures of certification and behaviors accredited by an independent third party, such as the NCCA. If there a particular organization you like to work for, get to know what certifications they ask or recognize.

Analyze these points before choosing certifying organizations at the websites:

Prerequisites for the exam. At a minimum, most demand a high school diploma, a CPR certification, and that you are at least 18 years of age.

Certifying Organizations:

These are some of the well-reputed certification organizations and their accreditations:

3. Find a Personal Trainer Job

One of the great things about fitness training is that there are a variety of places you can work, not just at a health club.3 You may be an employee of a business or work as an independent contractor for them. You may also train clients as your own business. If you’re just starting out, however, you might want to work for a larger club to get experience while not having to worry about running your own business. Some ideas for employment opportunities include:

4. Choose a Specialty

By the passing time and with practice, you will develop an interest in which kinds of clients you most relish training. Then you can invest in your further education and get your specialization done. With a specialty, you will have more to give your clients, and you can charge quite more for your specialized services.

Specialty options are:

Many certifying organizations give many specialty certifications, and you may receive a discount if you already possess a basic certification.

5. Develop Your Capabilities and Expand Your Education

Continuing education is not only essential for obtaining your certification, but it also keeps you updated on the advancement in fitness, health, and weight management.

Your certifying organization will offer workshops, courses, and other means to get some additional credits, but there are more different methods to stay informed:

6. Start Your Own Business

Once you get certification and get some work experience, eventually, you may start your own business as a limited liability company (LLC), sole proprietor, or corporation. Rather than an employee, if you are a self-governing contractor for a gym, you need to learn the benefits and downsides of these kinds of businesses as well.

Learn How to Run a Business:

Many people go into personal training because they like to assist people. Still, you want to know the aspects of business registration or affiliation, zoning, licensing, accounting, budgeting, filing taxes, tracking your expenses, and more. It is important to take a short business course from a local community college if these things are not familiar to you.

Financial Investment:

In the starting, you will need to spend cash to get your business to grow, which depend on your business type; you may require:

Sell Your Services:

If you do not know marketing tactics, you may require to take courses to acquire the best ways to sell your services to customers.

Get Experience from Outside:

When you work for yourself, you do not get a chance to have other trainers to guide clients. For that purpose, it is usually advised to begin at a gym or some other department before starting your own, to gain some experience.

How Can New Personal Trainers Make Additional Cash?

Think of executing a membership model rather than a pay-as-you-go policy. You can allow various memberships for different periods of time and set up client payment via auto-debit for an accepted term. For clients who cannot manage one-on-one training, consider giving a group boot camp. On the other side, some people like the comfort of training at home, so you can also offer in-home training sessions for an additional fee.

What Kinds of Business Insurance Do New Personal Trainers Require?

Being a certified personal trainer, you require commercial general liability insurance, which includes third-party property damage, bodily injury, and reputational harm. Trainers who run gyms or own many fitness gears may also require commercial property insurance. Go for the best business insurance company that operates with small businesses and has specific packages for fitness instructors and personal trainers.

7. Market Yourself as a Trainer

Marketing without any doubt is one of the most important things you will need to do to draw more clients. The following are a some of the things you may require to get your name out there:

8. Become Essential to Your Clients:

Being prosperous at this job demands lots of hard work, skill, capability, and experience. To get a certification is no guarantee that you will either capture clients or, most importantly, can be able to keep those clients.

How you train your clients is essential, but how you keep them is even more critical. That’s why you need:

How Do You Assure That a Fitness Program Is Useful for Clients?

There is no specific best workout plan, but many excellent options depend on your client’s beginning point and fitness objects. Do your study, agree on a project with your client, and do your best to get them to attach with it. Training sessions may be challenging, especially at the start; try to concentrate your client on results. At the same time, be adaptable with clients.

Advice from Top Fitness Trainers

For your motivation, we have compiled a list of some advice from top fitness trainers that are excelling in their fields.

Provide a Safe and Comfortable Environment:

Create a safe space for clients, fostering a no judgment – no competition, no comparison place so that change can happen organically.

Lisa Yee, a personal trainer in San Diego, CA.

Lead Your Clints By Example:

Practice what you preach, maintain your own fitness. Anyone can be a trainer but if all of the focus is on the clients it can be easy to overlook your own workout needs as well.

”Rafal Tokicz, an NASM Certified Personal Trainer at the Equinox Sports Club in Washington, D.C.

Empower Your Clints:

The best trainers are coaches with the ability to empower their clients; consistency and connection lead to empowerment.”

Amanda Lynne, a personal trainer and triathlon coach in Marietta, OH.

Show Your Concern:

Ask how the client is feeling day to day; truly listen to him or her and adjust the program as needed.

Adena Muncey, a personal trainer and yoga instructor in Hyderabad, India

Help Your Clients to Maintain a Healthy Life:

Top trainers are comfortable exposing themselves as real human beings with flaws; help the client create a healthy life not just in the gym but when they step out into the world so their hard work and newly-developed confidence travel with them.

Eric Thompson, an NASM Certified Personal Trainer in West Hollywood, CA

Educate Your Clients:

A truly great experience is when the client becomes knowledgeable and confident, allowing him or her to take ownership of the workout process.

John Bauer, an NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist in San Jose, CA

Invest Your Time in Continuing Education:

Take continuing education seriously. Invest the time to develop programs with long-term goals in mind. Listen to clients and adjust the programs to meet each individual’s specific needs. Finally, create a long-term career path by working towards becoming a master trainer; that’s one way to help yourself stand out from your peers.

Christy Pchuck Giroux, an NASM Certified Personal Trainer and co-owner of Prime Fitness in Gaithersburg, MD

Final Thoughts:

Due to the increase in inactive lifestyles and obesity, personal trainers may have many job possibilities. The world always wants new, passionate trainers to get the word out about wellness and fitness. Take out the time to discover what is required to become a trainer before deciding on your career. One of the essential characteristics for a fitness professional is keeping a positive attitude and delivering excellent customer service no matter the circumstances, yet this is something that has to be acquired from experience while serving in the job. There are no alternatives on the way to success in fitness. However, work hard, learn from others, and consistently apply best practices defined by successful personal trainers can reduce the chances of failure.
