Magic Johnson Opens Up About Supporting His Gay Son, E.J.
During a recent stop at The Ellen DeGeneres show, former and legendary NBA player Magic Johnson gave parents of LGBTQ kids some heartfelt advice. When Johnson’s 24-year-old son E.J. came out to him and his wife, he recounts them embracing their son with open arms. By doing so, Johnson shares how pivotal it is for parents to show support for their children.
“I think it’s all about you not trying to decide what your daughter or son should be, or what you want them to become,” Johnson explained. “It’s all about loving them no matter who they are, what they decide to do. And when my son came out, I was so happy for him, and happy for us as parents—and we love him, and E.J. is amazing.”
In having the courage to be himself, E..J. has made strides of his own starring on E!’s Rich Kids of Beverly Hills, followed by his own New York spin-off EJNYC, which was canceled in 2016. E.J., who fuses both men and women’s clothing into his wardrobe, says he doesn’t constrain himself to any gender binary or feel the need to transition, as he expressed on a past episode of EJNYC.
The 57-year-old also expressed his continued encouragement of his offspring, regardless of his sexual identity. “You’ve got to support your child because there are so many people who try to discriminate against them, so they need you to support them. Because if you don’t support them, who is going to support them and love them?” he added.
Watch the full segment below.