Paris Hilton's Net Worth: What Haters Get So Wrong About Where She Gets Her Money

Publish date: 2024-08-31

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Back in the early 2000s when Paris Hilton suddenly became one of the most talked about people in the tabloids, she originally rose to fame due to a private recording. A couple of years after Paris first rose to prominence, she began starring in a highly successful reality show.A show that aired from 2003 until 2007, The Simple Life was such a big deal that people still wonder if it was fake to this day. No matter how real or fake The Simple Life was, the fact remains that the show cemented the way a lot of people have perceived Hilton ever since.Related: 10 Celebrity Cameos On 'The Simple Life' We Totally Forgot AboutDuring each episode of The Simple Life, Hilton and Nicole Richie would be portrayed as a couple of spoiled rich girls dealing with the realities of everyday life for the first time. Even though it has been roughly fifteen years since The Simple Life's last episode aired, many people still think of Hilton as that spoiled rich girl.On the one hand, it would be foolish to deny that Hilton grew up in a world of affluence due to her wealthy family. However, many of Hilton's haters are totally wrong about how she made most of her money and how much respect she deserves.

How Much Money Did Paris Hilton Get From Her Family?

After founding Hilton Hotels in 1919, Conrad Hilton managed to build an empire that made him extremely rich. Thanks to Conrad's success, he was able to hand down a fortune and thriving business to his son Barron Hilton.

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Just like his father before him, Barron Hilton managed to make an insane amount of money during his career. As a result, Barron was able to provide a wonderful life for his family, including his son Richard and granddaughter Paris.

According to, when Barron passed away in 2019 his estate was worth a mind-blowing $4.5 billion. With that in mind, most people assumed that Barron's kids and grandchildren inherited hundreds of millions upon his passing.

As of the time of this writing, reports that Paris has a $300 million fortune. When a lot of people see that figure, they assume a huge portion of that comes from the Hilton family fortune. In reality, however, that doesn't appear to be the case.

Before Barron passed away, he pledged to leave 97% of his fortune to the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. As a result, that meant that Barron's 24 heirs were left with $135 million to share or $5.6 million each if everyone was given the same share.

Of course, some of Barron's family members may have gotten a greater share of the pot. In all likelihood, however, it is Barron's kids who would have gotten a bigger piece of the pie, not his grandkids like Paris.

Even if Paris got all the money Barron left for his family for some strange reason, that wouldn't even account for half of Paris' current reported net worth.

When looking at the reality of the Hilton family fortune, there is still no doubt that Paris got a huge advantage early in her life and pretending otherwise would be foolish. On the other hand, the situation also makes it clear that anyone who thinks that Paris owes her fortune entirely to her family is equally foolish.

How Paris Hilton Really Made Her Fortune

After The Simple Life came to an end, Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie both went on to enjoy a lot of success. Initially, Paris went on to star in other reality shows, she became an author, and she even launched a surprisingly successful acting career.

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While Paris' career in the entertainment industry deserves respect, it is what she has accomplished in other ventures that is truly impressive.

Seemingly born with the ability to sniff out opportunities, Paris has proven time and time again that she can find new ways to make money year after year. In fact, as of the time of this writing, Paris is cashing on having a long list of side hustles.

Some examples of the ways that Paris is currently making money include selling NFTs, modeling, DJing, and starring in several documentaries. It also has to be noted that Paris makes a pretty penny for her sponsored posts on social media and her various television deals.

Most notably, Paris has become a staple of the fashion world including selling her own brand of clothes, perfume, colognes, and various accessories.

During Paris' life, she has certainly done some things worthy of criticism, and she is perfectly happy to admit that during interviews. However, Paris has also done many admirable things and her success in the business world is worthy of respect just like she is.
