Who Is Amy Robach Husband? Amy And TJ Holmes Affair

Publish date: 2024-07-04

Who is Amy Robach’s husband? TJ Holmes fans were searching on the internet to find out about Amy Robach’s husband, as TJ has been sighted with Amy on a number of occasions. 

So, who is Amy Robach’s husband? The article discusses all the details and information about her husband. 

Who is Amy Robach’s husband?

According to sources, Amy Robach’s husband is Andrew Shue. Before Amy’s relationship with her co-anchor, TJ Holmes got public, the couple sold their New York City home.

When it was searched through property records, it was found that the GMA3 anchor and her husband owned, in September 2022, an apartment in Manhattan’s West Village neighborhood.

That property was entered into the contract on November 18. Just two weeks after the apartment was listed in the contract, news began circulating that GMA3 anchor Amy Robach has been in a relationship with her co-anchor TJ Holmes. 

As per the record, in 2018, Amy and her husband purchased a 3-bedroom property that was worth $4 million. However, the property was listed for over $5 million. The exact price is not confirmed by the couple yet. 

Amy Robach’s Relationship with her co-anchor TJ Holmes

It was revealed on Wednesday that Amy and TJ were in a relationship. A photo was shared in which the two were holding each other’s hands in a car while they were on vacation in upstate New York.

The two were caught getting cozy after drinking at a bar in New York. Later, it was found that they had disabled their Instagram accounts. 

As per sources, Amy and TJ didn’t start dating until they were separated from their spouses. Strong sources reported that Robach was married to her husband, Andrew, while TJ was married to his wife, Marilee Fiebig. 

Both couples were married in the same year, and the year was 2010. 

The source says, “This was two consenting adults who were each separated. They both broke up with their spouses in August within weeks of each other.“

The sources added, “The relationship didn’t start until after that.” After the news break, Amy and TJ came to GMA3 the next day and kept it professional. During the show, they didn’t share anything related to their personal lives. 
