WWE NXT Halloween Havoc Week Two Results (10/31/23)
Tables, Ladders, and Scares Match: The Creed Brothers vs. Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo
Julius and Brutus attack Carrillo and Garza in the aisleway. Brutus lays Carrillo on a table. Julius DVD’s Garza off the apron onto Carrillo, putting them both through the table. The Creeds set up another double-team move, but Garza hits Julius with a chair to break it up. The Creeds trap Carrillo and Garza under a ladder. Brutus slams a ladder on top of them, crushing both men. Garza and Carrillo press slam Julius off the top onto a ladder. Brutus and Garza fight on the apron. Garza traps Brutus in a Gory Special on the apron. Carrillo springboards off the middle rope and hits a cutter, sending all three men through a table at ringside.
After the break, Garza and Julius are having a duel with chairs. Garza clocks Julius. Brutus hits Garza with a chair. Carrillo flies in out of nowhere and kicks Brutus’ chair into his face. Brutus and Julius hit a Doomsday Brutus Ball through a table for the win.
Winners- The Creed Brothers
Tiffany Stratton vs. Fallon Henley
As Henley makes her entrance, Stratton attacks her from behind. Stratton put Henley in a figure four around the ring post. Referees break it up. This one was over before it started.
No Contest
The Meta-Four show up at a haunted house dressed like the Scooby Gang. They are there to get Noam Dar’s Heritage Cup back from Tozawa.
NXT North American Championship Match: “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio (c) w/Rhea Ripley vs. Nathan Frazer
Dominik works over Frazer in the corner. Frazer speeds up the pace and lands a flurry of offense, capped with a dropkick that sends Dominik flying out of the ring. Frazer runs circles around Dominik before blasting him with a flying elbow smash. After the break, Dominik and Frazer trade strikes. Frazer lands a dive while Dominik is caught up with Ripley.
Dominik avoids a shooting star press from Frazer. Frazer lands on his feet. Dominik drops Frazer crotch first on the top rope. Dominik goes up top. Frazer cuts him off with a superplex into a rolling cutter. Dominik kicks out. Ripley tries to slide Dominik the title, but it falls out the other side of the ring. Frazer goes up top. Dominik pushes Frazer out to the floor. Dominik hit a Frog Splash for the win.
Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Halloween Havoc Week One Results (10/24/23)
Winner and STILL North American Champion, Dominik Mysterio!
After the match, Wes Lee hops the barricade and attacks Dominik. Lee poses with the title as Dominik slinks away.
Backstage, Jacy Jayne tries to convince Andre Chase to help her cheat to win the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships. Chase refuses. Tony D’Angelo and Stacks walk in, and they want their title back. Chase and Hudson tell The D’Angelo Family they will get their rematch.
Back at the haunted house, everyone but Noam Dar gets kidnapped.
Bron Breakker vs. Mr. Stone
Breakker chases Stone around the ring. Stone rolls back into the ring. Breakker runs over Stone with a clothesline. Breakker tosses Stone all over the ring. Stone tries to fight back, but Breakker shrugs it all off. Breakker cuts Stone in half with a Spear. Breakker pins Stone.
Winner- Bron Breakker
After the match, Breakker lays Stone on the ring steps. Breakker tries to crush Stone’s head with the other part of the ring steps, but Von Wagner’s music hits. Wagner power walks to the ring. Wagner’s head is wrapped in bandages. Breakker and Wagner brawl. Wagner chokeslams Breakker on the ring steps. Wagner tries to crush Breakker’s head with the ring steps, but Breakker moves. Referees and officials hit the ring to break it up.
WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match: Chelsea Green and Piper Niven (c) vs. Thea Hail and Jacy Jayne w/Andre Chase and Duke Hudson
Hail and Jayne meet Niven and Green in the aisle. Jayne and Hail push Niven into the ring steps. Hail and Jayne work over Green. Hail lands a dive. After the break, Niven and Green are working over Hail. Hail manages to tag in Jayne. Jayne clears the ring. Jayne tries to get Chase to give her the NXT Tag title to his Green with. Chase refuses and tells her she doesn’t need it. Green surprises Jayne with the UnprettiHer for the win.
Winners and STILL WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, Chelsea Green and Piper Niven!
Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn are watching from the bird’s nest.
NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament Finals: Kelani Jordan vs. Lola Vice w/Elektra Lopez
Vice and Jordan trade pin attempts. Vice lights Jordan up with lightning kicks. Running hip attack by Vice. After the break, vice works over Jordan’s leg. Jordan surprises Vice with a facebuster. Jordan goes up top. Lopez distracts Jordan. Jordan misses a moonsault. Vice almost takes Jordan’s head off with a spin kick to the head. Vice pins Jordan.
Winner- Lola Vice
Backstage, Wagner and Stone argue. Wagner wants a match with Breakker next week. Stone refuses to get the match made. Wagner says Stone stepped up for him, but now it’s time for him to end this. Wagner winces and clutches at his head. Stone begrudgingly agrees to get the match made.
NXT Championship Match: Ilja Dragunov (c) vs. Carmelo Hayes
As soon as the bell rings, both men tear into each other, trading punches and kicks. Hayes lands a nasty German suplex. Dragunov gets to his feet. Hayes and Dragunov trade strikes again. Each man lands a big kick at the same time. Both men are down. After the break, Dragunov kicks Hayes in the back of the head and immediately hits a German suplex. Hayes escapes a second German suplex. Hayes tries his springboard DDT. Dragunov is far enough away to avoid it. Powerbomb by Dragunov.
Hayes kicks out. Dragunov eats two superkicks and a pump kick, but it doesn’t matter. Dragunov immediately turns Hayes inside out with a lariat. Hayes counters the Constantine Special with his head scissor facebuster. Dragunov kicks out. Hayes goes up top. Dragunov yanks Hayes off the top and goes up himself. Hayes cuts Dragunov off. Hayes DDTs Dragunov on the apron. Frog splash by Hayes. Dragunov kicks out.
Dragunov fires up and lands a spinebuster for a near fall. Both men trade pump kicks. Dragunov surprises Hayes with the H-Bomb after Hayes’ own lariat ends with him falling to the mat in exhaustion. Hayes gets to his feet. Dragunov lands a nasty chop to the back of Hayes’ head. Dragunov tries the Constantine Special again, but Hayes dropkicks him off the ropes. Hayes tries another apron DDT. Dragunov counters into a DVD on the apron. Dragunov lays Hayes on the commentary desk. Hayes is motionless. Dragunov dives off the barricade and puts Hayes through the table with the H-Bomb.
Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Halloween Havoc Week One Results (10/24/23)
Dragunov sends Hayes back into the ring and tries a coast-to-coast. Hayes tries to counter with the first 48, but Dragunov counters that and lifts Hayes up for a lawn dart. Hayes escapes and hits the first 48. Dragunov kicks out. Dragunov lands another H-Bomb. Hayes kicks out. Hayes lands another first 48 and goes up top. Trick Williams music hits. Williams walks to the ring. Hayes looks shocked. Dragunov leaps up top and superplexes Hayes. Dragunov almost runs through Hayes with the Torpedo Moskau for the win.
Winner and STILL NXT Champion, Ilja Dragunov!
Williams pulls Hayes off the mat and stares daggers through him. There is a commotion backstage, a cameraman runs back, and we see Baron Corbin has attacked Dragunov. Dragunov is out on the floor as Corbin screams at him.
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